The most difficult challenge – Changing the ‘Basic SENSE of IDENTITY’

The ‘Basic Sense of Identity’ – A Comfort Zone:

Psychologist know, changing the basic sense of identity is a most difficult task that everyone goes through when one confronts something new and challenged by it. Your human psyche tends to cling to your habits, your old patterns, old ways, the ways of your forefathers and the environment that you are familiar with. That’s the human psychological comfort zone. Leaving or dare to leave that comfort is a challenge, which needs lot of courage.

Changing your ‘Comfort Zone’ – It’s only a Courageous Job:

You find many people undertake courageous ventures only out of adventure such as mount hiking, sky diving or ocean riding alone. It takes lot of courage to go for such adventures but the same people find no courage when they confront something that might take them out of their habit, mind-set, belief, ideas and philosophies which they acquired through their social or religious culture, educational institutions and whatever mindset their respective govt want their citizen to indoctrinated with for/in order to exploit them easily to continue their corruption uninterrupted (such an example is Chinese government’s ‘One Child Policy’ and propagating Atheism)

The most inclined Comfort Zone – Religious Identity:

But one prime example of this goes with the religious views of a person. Study shows that most of the people that claim to belong to a religion only because they were just happened to born in a family that holds a particular religious view whether they know or practice their religion or not.

Therefore, even though people apparently seem courageous but succumb to the false philosophies that the masterminds in those govts, corporations, religious institutions want them to believe such as:

“Whatever you believe doesn’t matter, giving goodness to the humanity is what matters the most”
“Religions, it’s just belief”

If you ask those people “Why are you a Christian or Jews or Muslim or Buddhist or a Hindu” (or whatever religion they belong to), they would say,
“My parents were ‘this'” (meaning their religion)
or “I went to a ‘school'” (meaning a school that affiliates with or teaches a particular religious beliefs)

Then if you ask them “Do you know what’s the basis or origin of your religion that you believe?” Most of these people would say “no”
Then if you ask them, “Did you read the book that you believe ‘from God’ that you believe in? Most of these people would say, “no”.
If you ask them “What’s your idea about other religions that exists?” They would reply, “Everybody has a right to have his own choice, I respect that”
Would you still think you believe in ‘God’? Would you still believe in your religion?
They would say, “yes”.

Religious Belief – everything unusual is the norm here:

This doesn’t happen in any other issues that human being deal about in their life. But with religion all abnormal things are the regular norms.
Because to these people, religion, “It’s just a belief.”
Then there are also those who do not believe in a religion and hold very less or superficial knowledge of other religions yet, irrespective of their level of knowledge of other religions you find them that they have established so strong views on other’s religions such as:
“I know religion, Religion is my subject in school”
“Religions are men made”
“I respect religion but I don’t believe in organized religion”

You can challenge such a person to a ocean ride alone by himself and he might dare to accept it but changing his views? Impossible! or at least confronting information other than he knew is a impossible task for him. His ignorance, ego and arrogance get hold of him so strong that he behaves like a coward and deny to engage in a respectable discussion or deny even to read a book. A most courageous person succumbs to his arrogance and behaves like a coward.

Decision making – A real life prespective:

If it happens In real life scenarios, what’s the consequences? Let’s see yourself as an aspiring employee or in a manager position or as a human resources trainer. You will be seeing yourself either listening from your trainer or telling the following phrases as a trainer as to how to be a best decision maker:

Going Beyond Comfort Zones:

The first step to be a best decision maker is stepping out of your comfort zone. This involves viewing things from a different perspective. A single-view approach to any problem will alienate you from others who might have different and better ideas to address the situation. Getting out of your comfort zone takes a lot of listening to different people’s opinions, and analyzing facts based on these inputs.

Often, we tend to rush to conclusions without having all the necessary data with us. People with a predetermined approach to handling a problem have a habit of solving the problem without even listening to it. That’s because they don’t like to be challenged with new scenarios. In other words, they don’t feel comfortable stepping out of their comfort zone. However, efficient managers always like to challenge themselves with handling new conflicts so that they become better managers.”

The prespective – In real life vs Religion: A ridiculous outcome:

See, this is how a person makes a better decisions in real life. No doubt you understand and apply this to be able to achieve the best in your daily life but unfortunately when it comes to the most important matter concerning your own existence, the origin of yourself, you don’t use those criterion (intellectual faculty, the brain) any more.

Look at any other scenario in your life. You don’t have to go through a professional training courses as to how to become a better decision maker. Take an example of you buying a house or land. What do you do? You collect all the information about that from the market.

But about religion? All sorts of absurdities are so regular in here. While logic, reason are the tool for betterment in every other things in your life, the same tool is totally inactive in the matters of your creator. While science in the creations is what makes the life to exist but in terms of understanding that creator, of all those sciences, you don’t apply same sciences any more. What a ridiculous of human beings!

What’s your status?

So question for you to ask yourself, “Am I one of those people? Do I have this limitation in myself?”
And the next questions goes to you, why do you do that? What’s the reason of this limitation?

1. Laziness, that put strong blockade to take responsibility on your own as it’s a huge comfort just to “go with the flow”
2. Fear of interaction with new things, new people, new place. Introvert character could be responsible for this.
3. Ego, fear of inferiority. You fear that your ignorance would be exposed which would make you lowly to others or your faith for your entire life about your forefathers religious beliefs would be humiliated or it would pose a threat towards your intellect, therefore,
4. Arrogance pop in, you do not want even a decent conversation as such that even though you are in an utter ignorance but your Ego tells you “I know it”, “I am not interested”, “It’s so heavy topic for a early morning”.

When these things (the above 4) take an upper hand on you, the impact is that knowledge cease to benefit you. If these things dictates you at the end of the day, Knowledge can’t liberate you. Even knowledge is presented to you, it won’t impact you.

Seeking to be Better is a human thing, not the opposite:

But then what’s the remedy?
How to overcome these limitations?
What’s the lessons to be learnt recognizing this limitation?
It depends, it’s the inner quality of human being.
It’s natural to being human to make oneself better, what is unnatural is not to choose to be better oneself.

Think, trust your intellect and keep redecorating yourself with new knowledge and benefiting yourself from that knowledge.